This initiative supports and encourages the ability for any organization to work toward the outlined goals and objectives in their own way and context. Inspiration can however be helpful; here are some ideas to get you started:

WrapZero Logo

Formally develop and implement an action-oriented sustainability strategy which aligns with the goals 
within established frameworks set out above.

Eco friendly Icon

Establish metrics to quantify, track, and report on water and resource consumption, emissions and impacts
through the establishment of a baseline and assessment of performance over time. 

Workshop Icon

Educate the workforce on the impacts of climate change and resource consumption.

Reduce the amount of fuel, energy and materials consumed.

consumption Icon

Prioritize the consumption of low-carbon foods.

Low carbon Icon

Prioritize the use of low-carbon materials to encourage change in our supply chains.

Reduce waste icon

Influence supply chain and procurement decisions to prioritize products that are energy efficient, 
non-toxic, have a low-carbon footprint and reduce waste.

Business Icon

Implement business practices that encourage the principles of resource efficiency, such as energy efficiency,
water conservation, waste reduction and transport management.

Social Icon

Contribute to social and community development.

Green Icon

Develop and/or increase the number of partnerships that enable knowledge-sharing on sustainable best practices.

Incentive Icon

Advocate for incentives for environmental action.

Influence Icon

Leverage the influence of the industry on the general public to achieve a broader cultural shift towards a 
more sustainable way of living through inclusion of direct or indirect sustainability messaging.

Communication Icon

Communicate progress on the actions in the pledge above every two years to demonstrate improvement.

Ready to take action? Sign the pact!

Sign up here:

By signing the Pact, you are publicly acknowledging your commitment to the Pact. 
Your company / organisation will be added to the public list of signatories.

The Pact’s launch took place on the occasion of the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the UNFCCC.


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